Inglês - Núcleo Fátima

Inglês - Núcleo Fátima


O Curso de Inglês do Núcleo de Línguas Campus Fátima- UECE tem duração de 448 horas-aula, distribuidas em 07 (sete) semestres, e adota a abordagem comunicativa e intercultural, o que proporciona aos cursistas se tornarem competentes linguística e culturalmente no idioma, já que entendemos que aspectos da cultura e história dos Estados Unidos são indissociáveis do estudo da língua.

Seguimos o Quadro Comum Europeu de Referências para Línguas, padrão internacionalmente reconhecido, para descrever a proficiência do idioma inglês, que no Núcleo de Línguas vai do nível A1 ao B1. Para tal, as quatro habilidades linguísticas – escutar, falar, ler e escrever – são parâmetros que seguimos para o uso social da língua, ou seja, para a comunicação e as interações.

Livro: American English File - Student Book - Third Edition.

Inscrições SEMESTRE I: de 08/11/2022 a 02/01/2023

Inscrições TESTE DE NÍVEL: de 19/12/2022 a 02/01/2023

A prova de seleção será realizada no Campus Fátima da UECE, nas seguintes datas:

SEMESTRE I: 15/01/2023 das 09h às 12h

TESTE DE NÍVEL (Prova Escrita): 17/01/2023 das 14h às 17h

As aulas estão previstas para iniciarem a partir do dia 03 de março de 2022.

Local: UECE – Campus Fátima (Av. Luciano Carneiro, 345 – Fátima)

Link do Edital (SEMESTRE I): Edital Nº 45/2023 - NL Fátima

Link do Edital (TESTE DE NÍVEL): Disponível em


Objetivos Gerais

O objetivo do Curso de Inglês no Núcleo de Línguas Campus Fátima - UECE é que, ao final, o aluno seja capaz de lidar com a maioria das situações encontradas na região onde se fala a língua-alvo, isto é, que seja um falante independente da língua inglesa. Isso significa que ele será capaz de produzir um discurso simples e coerente sobre assuntos que lhe são familiares ou de interesse pessoal.


Curso direcionado a qualquer pessoa que tenha concluído o Ensino Fundamental II e tenha CPF ativo. Não há necessidade de conhecimento prévio no idioma para ingressar no Semestre I do curso.


- Reading comprehension;
- Verb BE – Simple Present;
- Simple Present Tense: affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
- Verb phrases;
- Subject Pronoun;
- Possessive Adjective;
- Possessive‘s;
- Imperative;
- Articles: definite and indefinite (A/an/the);
- Singular/Plural of Nouns;
- Demonstrative pronouns: this/that/these/those;
- Adjectives;
- Prepositions of time and place;
- Adverbs and Expression of frequency;
- Question words – word order in questions.

- Reading comprehension;
- Verb BE: present and past;
- There to be – present and past;
- Subject Pronouns;
- Object Pronouns;
- Simple Present Tense – affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
- Present Continuous Tense;
- Simple Past Tense – affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
- Simple Past: regular and irregular verbs;
- Adverbs and Expression of frequency;
- Question words – word order in questions;
- Articles: definite and indefinite (A / an /the);
- Demonstrative pronouns: this / that / these / those;
- Possessive pronouns;
- Possessive adjectives;
- Modal verbs: can / can’t;
- Verbs followed by gerund;
- Plural of nouns;
- Prepositions of time and place;
- Vowel sounds / word stress.

- Reading comprehension;
- Verb BE – simple present and simple past;
- Simple Present Tense – affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
- Present Continuous Tense – affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
Subject pronouns and object pronouns;
Possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns;
Simple Past Tense – affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
Simple Past of regular and irregular verbs;
Countable and Uncountable nouns;
Quantifiers: some / any/ little/ much/many/few/little;
Comparative and superlative adjectives;
Future forms: be going to (plans and predictions);
Adverbs: manners and modifiers;
Verbs followed by infinitive or gerund;
Definite article;
Present perfect;
Question formation;
Pronunciation: word and sentence stress, connected speech and irregular past participles.

Reading comprehension;
Verb BE – simple present and simple past;
Simple Present Tense – affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
Present Continuous Tense – affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
Simple Past Tense – affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
Past Continuous Tense – affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
Time sequencers and connectors;
Prepositions of time and place;
Future forms: present continuous, going to, will/won’t;
Relative clauses;
Present Perfect Tense – affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
Something, anything, nothing;
Verb phrases;
Adjectives ending -ed and -ing;
Pronunciation: final -s and -es;
Word stress.

Reading comprehension;
Verb BE – simple present and simple past;
Simple Present Tense – affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
Present Continuous Tense– affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
Simple Past Tense – affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
Past Continuous Tense – affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
Present Perfect Tense – affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
Questions with/without auxiliaries;
Quantifiers: too and enough;
Comparative of equality:;
Superlative adjectives;
Future forms: present continuous, going to, will/won’t;
Use of infinitive and gerund;
Modal verbs: can, could, have to, must  and should;
First conditional sentences;
Possessive pronouns;
Adverbs of manner;
Pronunciation: word and sentence stress;
Pronunciation: stress on prepositions.

Reading comprehension;
Verb BE – simple present and simple past;
Simple Present Tense – affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
Present Continuous Tense – affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
Simple Past Tense – affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
Past Continuous Tense – affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
Present Perfect Tense – affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
Past Perfect Tense – affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
Second conditional sequences;
Expressing movement;
Word order of phrasal verbs;
The passive;
Used to;
Modal verb: might;
Use of so, neither and auxiliaries;
Reported speech;
Question words;
Word building: noun formation;
Time expressions;
Questions without auxiliaries;
Pronunciation: word and sentence stress.

Reading comprehension;
Simple Present Tense – affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
Present Continuous Tense – affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
Simple Past Tense – affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
Past Continuous Tense – affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
Present Perfect Tense – affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
Past Perfect Tense – affirmative, negative and interrogative statements;
Future forms: present continuous, going to, will/won’t;
Present perfect + for / since, present perfect continuous;
Comparatives and Superlatives;
Modal verbs: can, could, be able to, have to, must and should;
Strong adjectives;
Adjectives with -ed and -ing;
Pronunciation: word/sentence stress, vowel sounds and silent consonants.

Documentação Necessária

Obs.: A documentação será entregue apenas no ato da matrícula dos aprovados.


No momento não temos turmas disponíveis para este curso.

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